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Bias-free solar NH3 production by perovskite-based photocathode coupled to valorization of glycerol

Ahmad Tayyebi†, Rashmi Mehrotra†, Muhibullah Al Mubarok†, Jieun Kim†, Mohammad Zafari, Meysam Tayebi, Dongrak Oh, Seong-hun Lee, Jesse E. Matthews, Sang-Won Lee, Tae Joo Shin, Geunsik Lee, Thomas F. Jaramillo*, Sung-Yeon Jang*, and Ji-Wook Jang*

Nature Catalysis, 2024, 7, 510–521, featured on the front cover | [DOI:]

2024 nat eng

Alkyl ammonium iodide-based ligand exchange strategy for high-efficiency organic-cation perovskite quantum dot solar cells

Havid Aqoma†, Sang-Hak Lee†, Imil Fadli Imran, Jin-Ha Hwang, Su-Ho Lee, and Sung-Yeon Jang*

Nature Energy, 2024, 9, 324–332 | [DOI :]

2024 muhib aenm2

Regulating the Quantum Dots Integration to Improve the Performance of Tin–Lead Perovskite Solar Cells

Muhibullah Al Mubarok, Yu Jin Kim, Imil Fadli Imran, Jin-Ha Hwang, Sang-Hak Lee, Hae Jin Seog, Sang Kyu Kwak*, and Sung-Yeon Jang*

Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 2304276 | [DOI:]

2023 muhib aem

Efficient and Stable Tin-lead Perovskite Photoconversion Devices Using Dual-functional Cathode Interlayer

Muhibullah Al Mubarok†, Yuri Choi†, Rashmi Mehrotra†, Yu Jin Kim†, Rama Krishna Boddu, Inhui Lee, Jiyeong Kim, Sang Kyu Kwak*, Ji-Wook Jang*, Jungki Ryu*, and Sung-Yeon Jang*
Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 2302555 | [DOI:]


Self-healable polymer complex with a giant ionic thermoelectric effect

Dong-Hu Kim, Zico Alaia Akbar, Yoga Trianzar Malik, Ju-Won Jeon*, and Sung-Yeon Jang*

Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 3246 | [DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-38830-w]